Making the frog point on the American Models
turnout a hot point solves a couple of issues. Sparking between
the rails when wheels run across both rails is eliminated and the
insulated portion of the frog is shortened so the American Flyer
tender trucks can cross at slower speed without stalling on the gap.
This is the milling jig I made to hold a Dremel flex shaft. Very
simple Just 3 pieces of 3/4" x 2" scrap
wood. |
The Milling bit is set to cut .025" in the
first pass and then at .050 in the second half that will be insulated. |
Here is the milling depth dimensions. |
The frog points are cut from 22 gauge brass stock
and have a hole drilled for the power feed wire connection.
A hole is then drilled next to the frog for the wire to be fed down
through the layout to a switch. |
When gluing the point to the frog the CA glue is
also used to create an insulated section between the brass point and the
rails. |
The frog point will have to be wired to a set of
contacts on the switch motor etc. to select either the outside or inside
rail depending on the route. |